The following printable articles cover a range of health topics, with tips for parents, tips for kids and teens and recommended reading/viewing put together by the pediatric experts at CHOC. These articles are not meant to replace your child’s professional healthcare team, but rather, to supplement it by giving you helpful tips and tools all in one place.
Baby-led weaning vs. spoon-feeding: Which is best for your baby’s first foods?
Explore the pros and cons of baby-led weaning vs. spoon-feeding to find the best method for introducing solids to your baby.
How to help when your child doesn’t want to go to school
Get help when your child doesn’t want to go to school and prevent issues like truancy and low self-esteem while supporting their well-being.
La comunidad como medicina: cómo construir una comunidad para usted y su hijo y beneficiarse de ella
Obtenga consejos sobre cómo construir una comunidad para usted y su hijo.
Patient’s journey illustrates strength of neuro-oncology programs at CHOC, Rady Children’s
Trent Cirigliano, 13, spent two years at CHOC and Rady Children’s for treatment of a brain tumor that included proton therapy and a clinical trial.
Influenza B: What parents should know
With influenza B cases on the rise, a CHOC expert offers advice to parents about the virus.
Measles outbreaks: What parents need to know
Measles is one of the most contagious infections. To prevent the spread of measles, about 95% or more of the population must be immunized.
14 Protein-rich snacks and meal ideas
Including protein-rich snacks and meals throughout the day can support children’s growth, build muscle, boost focus, and keep them full.
7 Heart-healthy superfoods to boost your child’s heart health
Support your child’s heart health with nutrient-packed superfoods and simple tips for adding them to their diet.
Foster healthy sibling relationships with these tips
Discover essential strategies for caregivers to foster healthy sibling relationships, including conflict resolution, empathy and supporting unique needs.
- Allergies
- Anxiety
- Appendicitis
- Arthritis
- Artificial Intelligence
- Asthma
- Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
- Autism
- Bedwetting
- Bike and Helmet Safety
- Birth Defects
- Blood Donations
- Bullying
- Cancer / Oncology
- Car and Travel Safety
- Celiac
- Child Life
- Cleft Lip
- Cochlear implants
- Cold and Flu
- Concussions
- Controlled Substances
- Coping with chronic illness
- COVID-19
- Critical Care
- Cystic Fibrosis
- Dentistry
- Depression
- Dermatology
- Diabetes
- Down Syndrome
- Driving
- Ear Infections
- Ears, Nose, Throat / Otolaryngology
- Eating Disorders
- Emergency
- Endocrinology
- Epilepsy / Seizures
- First Aid
- Food Allergies
- Fun Activities
- Gastroenterology
- Genetics
- Halloween
- Headaches
- Health
- Heart / Cardiology
- Hematology
- Hernia
- Holidays
- Home and Window Safety
- Hot Weather Safety
- Hydration
- Hygiene
- Immunizations / Vaccinations
- Immunology
- Infectious Disease
- Internet / Online Safety
- Lactation / Breastfeeding
- Leukemia
- Maternal-Fetal Care
- Medication
- Mental Health
- Metabolics
- Neonatology / NICU
- Nephrology
- Neurology
- New Year
- Nutrition
- Nutrition and Lactation
- Obesity
- Orthopaedics
- Outdoor Safety
- Palliative Care
- Parenting
- Pediatric Surgery
- Pharmacy
- PICU Pediatric Intensive Care Unit
- Plastic Surgery
- Primary Care / Family Medicine
- Psychiatry
- Psychology
- Psychosis
- Pulmonology
- Radiology
- Rare Disease
- Recipes
- Rehabilitation and Physical Therapy
- Rheumatology
- Safety
- School
- Scoliosis
- Screen Time and Social Media
- Seasonal
- Sexual Health
- Sleep Safety
- Sleeping
- Speech therapy
- Sports and Fitness
- Sports Medicine
- Stroke
- Suicide Prevention
- Summer Safety
- Sun Safety and Skin Protection
- Thanksgiving
- Tonsils
- Transition to Adult Health Care
- Traumatic Events
- Urinary Tract Infections
- Urology
- Vision / Ophthalmology
- Water Safety and Drowning Prevention