Dr. Pierangelo Renella, a pediatric cardiologist at CHOC, explains the signs and causes of chest pain in children common condition.
Bad Weather Driving Tips for Teens
The term “joy ride” doesn’t apply when it’s pouring outside. These tips can help ensure teen drivers stay safe on the road in bad weather.
CHOC Doctor’s Expertise Gives Boy Improved Heart Health
In the minimally invasive procedure, a hollow tube holding a heart valve is inserted into a vein in the leg and is guided to the heart.
Continuing Walt’s Legacy
For more than 40 years, Disney has been an integral part of CHOC history since the very beginning by contributing funds, time and tenderness.
Orange County Mom Goes Grassroots
Now a Glass slipper Guild Board Member, Marnie has chaired the annual gala—the Guild’s largest fundraiser to give back.
Finally, A Family
When Breanne was only 30 weeks pregnant, something went wrong. The teams from Mission Hospital and CHOC Mission worked to save 3 lives.
How Can I Get My Son to Take More of an Interest in his Personal Hygiene?
A CHOC pediatrician answers some of parents’ most frequently asked questions on getting teens to take interest in personal hygiene.
Is Your Child Too Busy?
The key is to schedule things in moderation and choose activities with a child’s age, temperament, interests, and abilities in mind.
All Dressed Up For Halloween
Check out these costume safety tips recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics, to ensure your kids have an enjoyable Halloween