Discover tips for talking to your children about mental health, building a connection, managing reactions and providing genuine support.
What to expect at your baby’s first check-up
Your baby’s first check-up is a milestone in their health and development. Learn what to bring to your visit and get advice for new parents.
How to have hard conversations with your children
A CHOC expert gives advice for having difficult conversations with kids, whether about current events, divorce, death and more.
The benefits of incorporating seafood into your family’s diet
CHOC nutrition experts explain the benefits of seafood for kids, and addresses concerns about methylmercury, a poisonous form of mercury.
Tics and tic disorders: What parents should know
A CHOC expert treatment strategies and management for tics and tic disorders that most commonly affect kids ages 5 to 12 years old.
Tics y trastornos de tics: lo que los padres deben saber
Estrategias de tratamiento y control que aplica un experto de CHOC en casos de tics y trastornos de tics que afectan más comúnmente a niños de entre 5 y 12 años de edad.
Teens and vaping: What parents should know
A CHOC expert advises parents on the risks of vaping for teens, answers questions and offers tips for helping teens quit vaping.
Los adolescentes y el vapeo: lo que los padres deben saber
Un experto de CHOC asesora a los padres sobre los riesgos del vapeo para los adolescentes y responde sus preguntas.
Is it OK to skip your child’s checkup if they’re healthy?
A CHOC pediatrician explains six reasons why you shouldn’t skip your child’s checkup like getting parent support and questions answered.