Austin depends on monthly blood transfusions. For his 13th birthday, he’s asking friends and family to donate blood to CHOC.
Ask a CHOC Doc: Can Kids Get Heartburn?
A CHOC pediatrician responds to a parent’s question on kids and heartburn. Find out more and submit your own question.
Kids and throwing up: Should you worry?
Throwing up is no fun, for kids and parents alike. Dr. Reshmi Basu, a CHOC pediatrician, explains when to be concerned.
Body Modification: What Parents Should Know
If your child is interested in body modification, we recommend having an open and honest discussion with them before making any decisions.
Synthetic Cannabinoids aka Synthetic Marijuana: What Parents Should Know
Sgt. Phil McMullin of Orange PD on the dangers of synthetic cannabinoids and its rise in popularity among teens.
Effects of Secondhand Smoke on Children
Growing children, whose lungs and hearts are still developing, are at risk for greater effects of secondhand smoke.
The Appendix: 5 Common Questions
What is the appendix, and why does it send so many people to the emergency room? Dr. Peter Yu, CHOC pediatric surgeon explains
What is a Clinical Trial?
If your child has a serious illness, your doctor might talk to you about enrolling your child in a clinical trial.
7 Health Benefits of Oatmeal
Explore the health benefits of oatmeal, and fun ways to prepare it as a way to mix up the breakfast options you’re offering to your family.