Learn from CHOC experts the best ways to find a babysitter, what to ask during an interview, and what information to share before you leave.
Ticks and kids: What parents should know
Expert pediatric advice about how to protect against ticks – and what to do if you spot one on your child.
An ultimate guide to vitamins, kids and teens
Two CHOC pediatricians explain more about vitamins, when supplemental vitamins might be needed, and what parents should watch for.
Cholesterol and kids: What parents should know
Learn why cholesterol levels matter in kids, as well as how high levels are treated and what parents can do to keep levels in check.
What should parents do after a child’s suicide attempt? Answering caregivers’ frequently asked questions
Learn from a expert how to support a child after a suicide attempt and how to reduce likelihood of another attempt.
Construction chief’s ties to CHOC run deep as son beats cancer
It’s a full-circle moment for Craig Cherf, who is overseeing the Southwest Tower project.
Brain tumor has left her blind, but that hasn’t slowed this college-bound CHOC patient
Lynn Wu, sightless since age 9, is heading to Stanford to study computer science with plans to empower disadvantaged communities.
Are eggs good for kids?
Learn from a CHOC dietitian all about eggs, including how to incorporate them into family dishes, how they help the body, and some interesting facts.
A challenging surgery, a positive experience: Sarah’s scoliosis story
CHOC patient Sarah, who received scoliosis surgery, finds value in surgery mentorship program, and is inspired to help others.