Practicing gratitude with kids can increase desired emotions like joy and contentment while decreasing anxiety and depression.
Healthy holiday traditions for families
CHOC experts offer healthy holiday traditions that families can adopt to benefit their emotional and physical health.
Making the most out of holidays spent at the hospital
A CHOC family describes their experience of spending holidays at the hospital and offers advice to parents to help make it memorable.
Tylenol and Motrin shortage: Safety tips for pain and fever-reducing medications
A CHOC expert offers safety tips for acetaminophen (Tylenol) and ibuprofen (Motrin) for relieving aches and fevers from respiratory viruses.
Is my child too sick to go to school?
A CHOC expert helps parents know when their child needs a sick day from school for symptoms like sore throat, cold, influenza and more.
Holiday-time tips for managing your child’s undesired behavior
A CHOC expert offers tips to parents whose kids many engage in undesired behaviors during the holiday season.
Making your home safe for a suicidal or self-harming child
A CHOC psychologist offers life-saving strategies to parents for keeping their home safe for children who have the urge for self-harm.
Identifying eating disorder symptoms in teens
A CHOC dietitian explains the warning signs and symptoms of eating disorders in teens, and what parents should watch for.
Coping with grief during the holidays
Grieving the loss of a loved one may feel amplified during the holiday season. A CHOC expert offers coping tips for grief at the holidays.