Some evidence shows that circumcised boys have a lower chance of developing urinary tract infections (UTIs) in their first years of life.
Heads-Up on Teens and Pedestrian Safety
The teen pedestrian death rate is twice that of younger children and accounts for half of all vehicle-related pedestrian deaths.
Using Technology to Promote Social Skills in Children with Autism
The Center for Autism and Neurodevelopmental Disorders recently held a unique four-week robotics camp targeting children with ASD.
Twelve-year-old becomes first CHOC patient to receive life-saving device
Sean and his mom chose a newer option called the Subcutaneous Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator (S-ICD) to treat his heart rhythm issue.
Protect Your Little Ones from Excessive Sun Exposure
Excessive sun exposure can increase the risk for skin cancer. Check out these tips to ward off those harmful UVA and UVB rays.
Derek’s Story: A Landmark Procedure
Neurosurgeons at CHOC performed a pioneering procedure to correct Derek’s hydrocephalus, eliminating his constant fear of shunt failure.
Genetic Syndrome Causes Cleft Lip, Palate in Sisters
A pair of sisters have benefited from the expertise and care of CHOC specialists in treating their cleft lip and Van der Woude syndrome.
Your Four-Inch Window of Prevention
Every year, unintentional window falls send thousands of children ages 6 and younger to emergency departments nationwide.
Infantile hemangiomas
Infantile hemangiomas are the most common of benign tumors in children, and most often occur in the head or neck area.