Years ago, when Nora Higa was settling on a career, her main interest was helping people. She found that and more as a critical care nurse in the pediatric intensive care unit at CHOC at Mission Hospital.

“I work with an amazing group of professionals,” Nora says. “We are small but mighty. Everyone pulls together with such teamwork, especially when we have particularly challenging cases. It enables us to give the best care to our patients and their families.”
Nora has served CHOC at Mission Hospital’s patients and families since the hospital opened its doors on the fifth floor of Mission Hospital in 1993.
Celebrating 25 years of service this month, the 54-bed hospital is the only dedicated facility for pediatrics in south Orange County, surrounding coastal areas and north San Diego County.
“I’m very proud to be a part of the organization,” Nora says. “Families really appreciate the personal care they get. I met a family recently who has been in hospitals all over the place, but said they really felt the caring of the nurses and the quality of the care at CHOC Mission.”
Throughout her time with the organization, Nora has appreciated the changing technology at CHOC Mission, as well as the collaboration with Mission Hospital.
“We are privileged to continue collaborating with Mission Hospital and be part of the verified pediatric trauma team,” she says. “This has given us the opportunity to care for some challenging and interesting trauma patients which has resulted in some amazing and rewarding outcomes.”
As CHOC Mission begins its next quarter century of service, Nora looks forward to her role in ongoing efforts to advance pediatric healthcare in south Orange County and beyond.
“I hope that we will be able to continue to serve the families of south County with the highest level of care, compassion and expertise,” she says.