Is it safe to nurse while taking medications?
By Michelle Roberts, CHOC lactation consultant
Many parents ask what medications they can take while they are breastfeeding. Lactation consultants evaluate whether the benefits of giving breastmilk outweigh any risks of exposing the baby to medication. Nursing parents should consult their doctor before starting a new medication or herbal supplement. Doctors consider most medications safe during breastfeeding.
When judging whether to take a medication while breastfeeding, experts consider these key questions:
- Will the medication get into the breast milk?
- If so, how much of it will get to the baby?
- Is the medicine orally digestible?
- Is this a medication that babies already receive?
- What do we know about the babies who have previously been exposed to this medicine through breastmilk?
When it comes to the level of safety of medications and breastfeeding, we lean on experts to guide us. Here are some great resources to help guide you and your physician when starting a medication.
- MommyMeds app: Created by the Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, this app is an excellent resource for parents to look up medications by name or by scanning a code from the medicine for current safety information. Developed by an expert in medications for pregnant and breastfeeding individuals, the app rates the medications in safety so you and your doctor can make the best decision for you and your infant.
- Infant Risk Center: This world-wide call center, staffed by the Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, is a great resource for families facing complex situations. Visit the website or call the number to get advice on these complex situations.
- Trash the Pump & Dump: This website offers a user-friendly guide on medications and breastmilk created by a group of physicians and lactation consultants.
Always consult your healthcare provider before starting medication while breastfeeding. While these resources do not replace medical advice from your physician, they are available for you to use in concert with your doctor to make the best decision for you and your little one. Always consult your healthcare provider before starting medication while breastfeeding.
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