11-year-old Ava has Type 1 diabetes. She shares her experience being diagnosed as a young child & offers tips for kids with Type 1 diabetes.
Preventing skin reactions to the sun in kids
All parents know the importance of sunscreen and dangers of sunburn. But do you know about other skin reactions to the sun?
Meet Dr. Kushal Bhakta
In recognition of prematurity awareness month, we’re highlighting Dr. Kushal Bhakta, medical director of the CHOC Small Baby Unit (SBU).
Why one mom is thankful for CHOC this year
A mom shares what she’s thankful for this holiday season: the health of her son Noah, and the strength of his complex care team at CHOC.
What We’re Thankful for This Year: 2016
Thanksgiving at CHOC is a special time. In celebration, members of the CHOC Children’s family express what they’re grateful for this year.
After Years of Seizures, Overcoming Epilepsy
Meet Mareena, a 9-year-old living a life free of seizures after undergoing epilepsy surgery at the CHOC Neuroscience Institute.
Antibiotics Aren’t Always the Answer
An infectious disease pharmacist explains basic safety practices of antibiotics and what questions to ask your doctor.
15-Year CHOC Employee Donates Wedding Dress to Create Angel Gowns
Longtime CHOC employee Amy donated her wedding dress to create angel gowns for babies who are born prematurely and pass away.
Seizure-free at five, thanks to epilepsy surgery and ROSA robot
Ian began sleepwalking as a toddler, which turned out to be seizures. Thanks to testing and epilepsy surgery at CHOC, he is now seizure free.