Early specialization and lack of diversity are more common in young athletes today and can increase the chances of injury.
Organic Foods – Are they more nutritious?
The majority of scientific studies have been unable to show a significant difference between the nutrients in organic and conventional foods.
Preventing Suicide in Children
Suicide is the third leading cause of death for people ages 10 to 24, which underscores the importance of recognizing warning signs in youth.
What to Expect from an Autism Assessment
The experience of having a child evaluated for a developmental concern may feel overwhelming, but the assessment can provide guidance.
“Herd Immunity” Protects Everyone Against Disease
When most people are vaccinated against a disease, the virus lacks a host and will eventually go away because there are fewer available hosts.
Oxygen Deprivation from Near-Drowning Can Lead to Brain Damage
An estimated 5,000 children under 14 are hospitalized each year for near-drowning: up to 20% are left with severe neurological disabilities.
CHOC’s Surgical NICU Offers Pioneering Coordinated Treatment
Infants needing surgery require special attention, and a unique feature of CHOC’s Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) provides just that.
Building Hand Skills in Young Children – Tips from The Center for Autism
Some children, including those with autism, may struggle more with fine motor coordination and the use of their hands for exploration.
Healthy School Habits For Your Teen
Back to school time can be a stressful time for teens and parents alike. Help your teen start off the new school year successfully