Smart Choices
- Breast milk is best! It is recommended to exclusively breastfeed your infant for at least the first 6 months of life. This means no other food or drink (including water) except breast milk. Breast milk is nature’s perfect “first” food, supplying all the important nutrients your infant needs and should be continued during the first year of life.
- If breastfeeding is not possible, iron-fortified infant formula is the only acceptable alternative.
- Let your baby decide when to eat and how much.
- Avoid propping your infant’s bottle with objects such as pillows or blankets.
- Wait until your infant is around 6 months old before introducing solid food.
- You may switch to cow’s milk after your baby’s first birthday or continue using breast milk. When feeding cow’s milk, use only whole milk. Your baby needs the fat from whole milk to support normal growth and brain development.
- Avoid feeding your baby juice during the first 12 months of life. It offers little to no nutritional benefit for your baby.
- After that first birthday, it’s time to lose the bottle and transition your baby to using a cup.
Healthy Activities
- Set aside tummy time (lying on their stomachs) for your baby 2-3 times each day up to 3-5 minutes each time while he or she is awake. Add more time as you see your infant enjoying tummy time.
- No screen time, such as watching TV or programs on smartphones/tablets, is best for children under 18 months. Live video chats with families and friends are okay.
- Avoid leaving your baby in places that restrict movement such as their car seats, strollers, bouncy seat etc. for long periods of time.
Planning for Success
- Maintaining a regular feeding schedule helps your child expect when food will be available during the day. Ask your doctor any questions about how much your child should eat.