A CHOC pediatric psychologist offers tips for parents on how they can teach and model family values amid COVID-19.
How to teach kids resilience throughout COVID-19
A CHOC psychologist offers tips for parents on building their child’s resilience – the ability to bounce back after a stressful situation.
Home Safety Tips for the Whole Family
Most injuries for kids up to five years old occur in or around the home, so keep in mind these home safety tips for older children.
What is social distancing?
To slow the spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19), health officials have urged the public to practice social distancing. Learn more.
How to talk to kids about disappointment during COVID-19
A pediatric psychologist offers tips to parents on how to talk to kids experiencing disappointment amidst cancelled plans during COVID-19.
Establishing structure and routine for kids during COVID-19
During a time of crisis when much is unknown, creating a routine helps kids. A pediatric psychologist offers suggestions.
What to expect at CHOC outpatient offices during COVID-19
As healthcare facilities adapt to the pandemic environment, you may notice some changes the next time you visit the doctor.
20-second songs to sing while you wash your hands
Here’s a list of 20-second snippets of kids’ favorite songs to sing while you wash your hands, from a CHOC music therapist.
CHOC Foundation events postponed
CHOC is taking precautions amidst COVID-19. One precautionary measure we have decided to take is to postpone all Foundation events.