Take time to check in on your own mental health by asking yourself these key questions. Plus, a special playlist can help you navigate big feelings.
Inspiring hope through healing: National Hospital Week 2021
Four members of the CHOC family share what is so inspiring about their work and why they are so committed to CHOC’s mission.
Teens, kids 12-15 and the COVID-19 vaccine: What parents should know
A pediatric expert answers parents’ commonly asked questions about teenagers, kids 12-15, and the COVID-19 vaccine.
5 practical ways to help reduce stigma around mental illness
Small shifts in our lives can go a long way toward reducing the stigma around mental illness. Learn 5 actions to take to help beat it.
13 ways to check in on strong friends’ mental health
Checking in on the mental health of strong friends can be really simple. Learn some key phrases, COVID-safe activities and more.
Enhancing CHOC magic through the power of Disney stories
A philanthropic initiative from Disney is infusing additional joy and magic to the hospital experience for patients and families.
The importance of checking in on others’ mental health
Learn key phrases and methods of checking in on the mental health of caregivers in your life. A small effort can have a big impact!
Reaching her full potential: Vivian’s journey with autism
Vivian, 14, is thriving since being diagnosed with autism and receiving treatment Thompson Autism and Neurodevelopmental Center at CHOC.
5 insights into the behavior of children with autism
While behavior challenges might be common in children with autism, the cause might not be what it seems. Get autism behavior tips here.