Passengers can be a distraction to a young, inexperienced driver and their presence increases the risk for an accident.
CHOC’s Small Baby Unit Helps Twins’ Succesful Outcome
CHOC’s Small Baby Unit is the only unit of its kind in Southern California, designed to improve outcomes for premies.
A Palatable Solution For Feeding Disorders
The Multidisciplinary Feeding Program at CHOC — the only one of its kind on the West Coast — offers a holistic approach to feeding disorders.
Easy Tips for Grooming Your Newborn
Grooming a newborn can be a nerve-wracking experience, especially for first-time parents. Here’s tips to help parents master the basics.
Physician Tenacity, Experimental Treatment Help Baby With Rare Disease
A patient is showing marked improvement after regular infusions of cyclodextrin, a compound that has helped mice with Niemann Pick C disease.
Bite Into a Healthy Lifestyle! March is National Nutrition Month
Healthy tips to make it easy to decide what to eat from Caroline Steele, director clinical nutrition and lactation services at CHOC.
Managing and combating test-taking anxiety in Children
Test-taking anxiety symptoms usually first develop during school-age years. Fortunately, test anxiety can be managed and even conquered.
Learning Disabilities and Your Child
Roughly 5 percent of children in public schools are receiving special education services for a learning disability, says a CHOC expert.
CHOC Patient is Cancer Free Thanks to Da Vinci Robotic Surgical System
In 2003, CHOC became the first pediatric hospital in California to begin offering robotic surgery for kids, via the da Vinci Firefly system.