This Veterans Day, CHOC wants to acknowledge the military veterans among our mighty brigade of clinicians and staff, and extend our heartfelt thanks for their service to our country.
We asked our veterans to share how their history of service impacts their work at CHOC, and how it contributes to our mission to nurture, advance and protect the health and well-being of children.
Here are a few of their responses.
Bill Rohde
- Sergeant (E4), U.S. Air Force
- Vice president, finance, CHOC
“Veterans understand what it truly means to defend and protect, making them well qualified to be defenders of childhood and protectors of the health and well-being of children.”

Teela Hernandez
- Hospital corpsman, pediatric unit, U.S. Navy
- Registered nurse, multispecialty unit, CHOC
“Because of my service, I know how to multi-task and roll with the punches. I work well under pressure.”

Daniel Holloway
- Petty Officer, U.S. Coast Guard
- Marketing project manager, CHOC
“I joined the Coast Guard and served active duty for six years because I aligned with the mission to protect lives and the environment, provide life-saving care to those in distress and promote safety through law enforcement. Military service taught me teamwork and discipline to see things through. Transitioning to CHOC was a great fit for me as its mission and values are in alignment with protecting the health and well-being of children and everyone who comes through our doors. I am grateful to work in partnership with the most wonderful people doing incredible, life-saving work within our community. I am a proud veteran and CHOC employee.”

Cortney McKinney
- Medic, U.S. Army
- Registered nurse, outpatient infusion center, CHOC
“While I was a medic in the Army, I found my love for medicine and helping people. I knew I wanted to be a nurse. The Army helped me realize that God gave me the heart of a servant. I now continue my service as a nurse caring for my patients here at CHOC.”