In this printable handout, the pediatric experts at CHOC have curated a list of resources for children and teens with anxiety.
Tips for parents and caregivers of children with anxiety
In this printable handout, CHOC pediatric experts share symptoms of anxiety and offer some coping skills for parents.
Learn how to recognize signs of a concussion and take appropriate action with expert advice from Dr. Taraman. Follow guidelines for recovery.
Tips for kids and teens with anxiety
This printable handout has anxiety management tips for kids and teens to help them relax, get support, face their fears and more.
About COVID-19
This handout answers frequently asked questions about COVID-19, including how the virus spreads and how to protect your family.
Bounce house safety tips for kids
CHOC’s research team discovered that bounce house injuries were on the rise. They offer tips for kids to stay safe in bounce houses.
Safe Sleep for Infants
Learn how to protect your infant from Sudden Unexpected Infant Death (SUID). This printable handout has safe sleep tips to protect infants.