Smart Choices
- At age 1, your child is ready to start losing the bottle and transition in using a cup.
- Choose milk or water for your toddler. It is recommended to feed whole milk until your child is 2 years old. The fat from whole milk helps to support normal growth and brain development.
- Choose 100% juice for your toddler. Remember to set a limit to 4 ounces of juice per day.
- Prevent tooth decay by not letting your toddler sleep with a bottle or sippy cup filled with juice or milk.
- Offer your toddler 3 healthy meals and 2-3 healthy snacks a day. Avoid foods that may be a choking hazard such as popcorn, hot dogs, whole grapes and hard candies.
- Let your child decide what and how much to eat.
Healthy Activities
- No screen time, such as watching TV or programs on smartphones/tablets, is best for children under 18 months. Live video chats with families and friends are okay. Children 1824 months may be introduced to digital media with high-quality programming. Limit screen use to 1 hour per day.
- Set aside time for your toddler to run around and play every day. Programs such as Mommy & Me and Gymboree are fun for your toddler — and for you!
Planning for Success
- As your child becomes more independent, he or she will probably want to feed themselves. Go ahead and let your child explore his or her food. Be patient with spills or messes, and keep a sense of humor handy at all times.
- Reward your toddler in ways other than using food; studies show that using food as a reward is associated with extra weight gain.
- Having a regular feeding schedule helps your child expect when food will be available during the day. Ask your doctor for any questions on how much your child should eat.