Smart Choices
- Make half your plate colorful with fruits and vegetables for each meal. Serve lean meats like grilled chicken or fish as your protein. Quinoa and soy make good plant-based complete proteins.
- Switch your dairy foods such as milk, yogurt and cheese to low-fat or not-fat. They provide the same amount of calcium per serving for your growing child with fewer calories from fat.
- Make at least half of your daily grains whole grain such as whole wheat bread. This provides lots of fiber which helps promote normal bowel movements, keep you full between meals and prevent heart disease.
- Do not skip breakfast! Provide a well-balanced breakfast that will fuel your child’s day. If you are on the run, a grab-and-go breakfast item, such as fresh fruit, dry fiber-rich cereal, or granola bars are better than skipping breakfast.
- Drink smart! Always drink plenty of water every day to rehydrate your body. You can avoid piling on extra calories by limiting fruit juices and avoiding other sugary drinks like soda. Save those drinks for special occasions.
Healthy Activities
- Participate in at least one hour of physical activity each day. Add daily routines that the entire family can be involved in, such as after-dinner walks.
- Set limits on the time, places and the types of media your child uses. Make sure it does not take any time away from their sleep, physical activity and other healthy behaviors.
Planning for Success
- Keep healthy foods your child likes within easy reach for snack time.
- A family calendar is a great way to get organized and stay on track with your busy schedules. Family calendars can include after-school activities, meal planning, and homework time.
- Start small and build on success. Pick one small change your family can make together, like eliminating soda. After mastering that, make another small change like watching portion size.