Since psychosis can be confusing and stressful at first, it can be hard to ask for help or look for support. These tips will help you manage the symptoms and stress of psychosis, as well as help you find extra support.
Ground yourself.
Touch your physical surroundings and pay close attention to how they feel (texture, temperature, smells). You can also play a 5-4-3-2-1 game with yourself by naming 5 things you can see, 4 things you can touch/feel, 3 things you can hear, 2 things you can smell and 1 thing you can taste. This can help “ground” you and feel calmer.
Use coping skills to manage distress.
Experiencing psychosis can be scary. Although there is little we can do to make a hallucination go away in the moment, we can use relaxation techniques to reduce stress, which can make the symptoms better. Try taking a few deep breaths, saying some encouraging statements to yourself and asking for a helpful adult to distract you from what you are experiencing.
Take care of yourself.
Things like not getting enough sleep can make symptoms of psychosis worse. Be sure you are getting enough sleep and taking care of your personal hygiene (change clothes every day, brush your teeth and take a shower or bath regularly). If you need help with remembering to do these things, creating visual reminders like signs that you put in key locations around the house can be helpful.
Remember you’re not alone.
These experiences can be frightening and upsetting, AND there are millions of other people out there going through something similar (including famous people!). Keep in mind that even if your loved ones and people in your life are not going through exactly what you are experiencing, they do want to help and support you.
Seek help.
Finding treatment for psychosis can be hard, especially if voices or your feelings might be telling you that it is not safe. It is important to seek treatment and to stick with it, because sometimes it can take a little while to figure out what combination of medications, therapy and other supports are most effective for you.