What is going on
- Reflux or heartburn is when food from the stomach moves up instead of down.
- Food coming into the throat is sometimes called heartburn
- If this happens a lot it can lead to problems in the throat
- Coughing
- Loud breathing
- Swallowing problems
- Hoarse voice
- Chest or stomach pain
- Feeling of something stuck in the throat
Foods to not eat
- Foods with a lot of fat
- Oily or spicy foods
- Foods with a lot of acid like tomatoes or lemons
- Sodas or bubbly drinks
- Minty gums or candies
- Garlic, onions
- Caffeine (coffee, energy drinks)
Changes to make in your daily life
- No laying down for two hours after a meal
- Avoid eating too much
- Do not eat late at night
- Healthy food choices
- Exercise
See a doctor when
- Heartburn happens a lot
International Foundation for Gastrointestinal Disorders (July 2017). Diet and Lifestyle Changes. Retrieved from https://www.aboutgerd.org/diet-lifestyle-changes.html
Reflux and GERD in Teens: Symptoms and Diagnosis (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.gikids.org/content/27/en/refulx-gerd/teens/symptoms