Arthritis Self-Care Tips
Self-care is an important part of staying healthy for children with juvenile idiopathic arthritis. Here are some tips for success:
Morning Stiffness
- Take a hot bath or shower
- Use a heat pack
- Perform a range of motion exercises
- from the Arthritis Foundation
- Cold is best for short-term pain. It can help reduce inflammation
Physical Fitness
- Physical activity is important to keep bones and muscles strong
- Exercise helps to achieve and maintain a healthy weight. This relieves pressure on weight-bearing joints
- Speak with your physician and/or physical therapist for guidance on activities
- Look for the Arthritis Walk/Run hosted each year by the Arthritis Foundation
- A healthy diet is important for all children
- Staying at a healthy weight is important. It can relieve pressure on weight-bearing joints
- Please refer to the Anti-Inflammatory Meal Plan informational handout created by Alexia Hall, RDN
Emotional Well-Being
- Parents should talk to their child about how he or she feels about arthritis
- Professional counseling may help
- Get connected through the Arthritis Foundation. Look for the JA camp
School Tips
- The correct backpack size and weight is important to avoid too much stress on your joints
- Speak to your healthcare team about appropriate school accommodations