This test measures reflux of stomach contents into the esophagus (food pipe).
Preparing your child
- Your child should avoid taking antacids/medicine that affects stomach motility for five days before this test unless otherwise told.
- No food for 8 hours or drinks for 6 hours prior to the test.
- Your child may take other regularly scheduled medications with small sip of water.
Description of test
- The doctor will insert a wire with sensors (impedance-pH probe) into your child’s nose going into the esophagus and tape it to the cheek.
- This procedure can take place at the bedside or in the operating room under anesthesia with other procedures if necessary.
- We will get an x-ray of your child’s chest to confirm the position of the impedance-pH probe. Small movements to the probe may be done based on the x-ray.
- The study will be for at least 23 hours.
During the test
- Your child may feel discomfort with the catheter in his/her nose and taped to cheek.
- You should write your child’s symptoms in the diary and push the “symptom” button on the recording device. This is VERY IMPORTANT. Symptoms such as cough, irritability, arching, emesis, throat clearing, and heartburn should be specifically written. Symptoms that are not under investigation (e.g. leg pain) should not be written in the dairy or button pushed.
- Meal times (start and end) and lying down (start and end) should be written in the dairy and button pushed.
- Avoid acidic foods, carbonated beverages, hot or cold drinks and food during the test. Do not chew gum or eat hard candy.
- This test does not cause pain, although it may be uncomfortable for your child—we will work to make them as comfortable as possible.
After the test
- You can take off the tape from the cheek at home and pull the impedance-pH probe out of your child’s nose or you may return to the pre-op and have a nurse remove it.
- The recorder box, probe and diary can be returned to CHOC as instructed.
- Your doctor will discuss the results of the test with you.